The Death of Supersymmetry
by Clark M. Thomas
© 2013
Supersymmetry has been touted to be a major ÒimprovementÓ over classical ideas of how the world is put together. Every basic particle is hypothesized to have an opposite twin. This symmetry is supposed to follow from the state of our universe just after the big bang.
Electrons are supposed to be magnetically pulled into something more egg-like than perfectly round. That unseen could be the dark matter particle.
Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider failed to find support for less than perfectly round electrons, but instead what they found reinforces the Standard Model of forces. The classical Standard Model works best for everything except gravity, which remains a major unknown.
In December of 2013 physicists at Yale and Harvard published their experimental findings independent of the LHC. They directly discovered that the electron is not egg shaped, but is nearly spherical, if not perfectly so.
Yale physicist David DeMille said: ÒImagine an electron blown up to the size of the earth. Our experiment would have been able to see a layer 10,000 times thinner than a human hair, moved from the southern to the northern hemisphere. But we didn't see it, and that rules out some theories.Ó Read more at:
Where does this negative laboratory result lead us, along with similar results in the LHC achieved by experiments on a grand scale? It reinforces the status quo of the Standard Model of particle physics, along with its unknowns. No experiment has directly or indirectly detected the necessary particles needed to explain gravity. This experiment was sensitive down to 10 to the minus 28 centimeters, or 10 to the minus 30 meters, which just happens to be not too far from the dimension where the real fundamental particles exist, the gravitons.
Consider these relative dimensions:
¥ One nanometer is at 10^-9 meters
¥ One electron is at 10^-14.5 m
¥ Protons and neutrons are at 10^-15
¥ The range of the weak force is
10^-17 m
¥ The Higgs Boson is also at 10^-17 m
¥ The smallest quark, the Top Quark,
is at 10^-22 m
¥ The neutrino is at 10^-24 m
¥ The Planck Length is at 10^-35 m
¥ Gravitons should exist at 10^-36 m,
or possibly at 10^-37 m
One graviton is approximately 10^22 times smaller than an electron. ThatÕs 10 sextillion times smaller. It would therefore be possible to fit huge numbers of dynamic gravitons into electrons, or even to compose them.
The same would apply to other so-called primary particles. The Higgs boson is about 10^-17 m. That makes a Higgs about one percent as large as a proton. However, a Higgs boson is a resonance more than a particle. It quickly decays into other particles. In other words, the so-called fundamental nature of the Higgs is false, as are other similarly large fundamental particles, even though they are predicted as part of the classical Standard Model.
It is within the dimension of the graviton that we can see how nature fundamentally works. Gravitons could be seen as a kind of circular string, wherein mass and energy constantly interchange. This is the ultimate foundation of all Yin/Yang.
Even at the awesomely small dimension of gravitons we have not yet reduced matter to a singularity. That would occur in zero time at zero size. All of the so-called elementary particles appear to be particles, not energy. It is only when a true singularity occurs, such as at the end of a rare big crunch immediately preceding its big bang, do the Yin for gravitational compression and the Yang of pure energy briefly separate.
Dark matter and so-called dark energy are only flows of free gravitons everywhere in and beyond the known universe. Each graviton is its own being – but flows of inconceivably large numbers of gravitons within EinsteinÕs curved space, all obeying the law of gravity, define and rule all macro phenomena we understand.
The law of conservation of matter and energy is thereby always preserved within a trans-universal homeostasis. The Yin/Yang dance continues seemingly forever.
It is fascinating that some religious philosophers, such as the original Buddha, intuitively understood this dynamic relationship at all levels of being. They saw it in terms of human actualization, wherein the individual is everything, and everything is the individual. He and others of like mind more than two thousand years ago had no modern experimental tools, just the most powerful tool of all: the human mind.